Monday, April 14, 2014

Blog Haitus

Well it's been a long long time since I have written on this blog! Its been since January 2013 to be exact. It is crazy how time flies. So I am hoping to get back to writing on here more regularly. It would be nice to keep a "journal" or "log" of sorts for our family and for the girls as they get older so we can all look back at our everyday happenings. I am not even sure where to start since it's been so long! I am hoping to post a bunch of photos, each with a brief synopsis of what has been going on. As I am thinking about how long it's been since I have written on here, I realize so much has happened...We sold our house in Suncrest Village last summer and bought a  house in Youngsville, NC! We love our new home! We flew to Texas for my sister in law's wedding where the girls were flower girls, I started working from home part time as a virtual assistant in October 2013, Grace started walking in August 2013, Lily in October 2013....and I could go on and on. In the meantime, it's April and the weather's finally feeling "spring like" here. It's been a long, abnormally cold & snowy/icey winter and we are all happy to finally have the windows open and be able to play outside again. Spring never felt so good!

Grace & Lily turned 2 years old last month! 2!! I can hardly believe my babies are 2 years old already. Did I mention they are 2? Maybe if I keep saying it, it will sink in. They are so much fun, have so much energy, are growing like weeds and are developing very well. They are little talkers....I wonder where they get that from? For their birthday this year we had a fun little play date with their friends complete with a dance party, Kazoos and shamrock rice krispie treats I made. They had a blast. We also celebrated their birthday just the four of us with cupcakes and presents along with their nana and papa...who by the way MOVED to North Carolina in January 2014 if you can believe it! We are happy they are here...and still cannot believe they moved here. Here are some photos from their 2 year photo shoot with my friend and photographer, Whitney Bailey. We did this in the backyard in early March before our trip to Useppa Island, Fl. It was one of the only warm weekends we had so I'm glad we took advantage.
