Over the past day or two, Lily started to have bradycardia spells again and "de-sats". This alerted the nurses that something was not right with Lily since she had been off oxygen support for so long, and had been doing so well. They decided to go ahead and run some tests to see if she had an infection of some sort. In the meantime, they took her off her feeds (which Lily was not pleased with...the girl likes to eat!), and started her on some antibiotics to knock out anything bacterial. They also tested her for meningitis (not common but possible), and RSV. Lily responded very well to the antibiotics immediately and is doing 100% better now. Turns out she had a UTI and nothing else. The doctor says she hasn't fallen behind any and is allowed to eat again as of this morning. The nurse told us that she guzzled down her bottles today! She also drank her whole bottle this afternoon for Jeremy. She is back to her self now luckily.
Grace is doing very well. She is nearly 6 lbs now and has been drinking all of her bottles as well. The doctors told us to go ahead and bring in a car seat and leave it there so they can do the "car seat test" in the coming days once they get closer to going home. This is encouraging! Things are looking good for the girls and we're just waiting and waiting until Grace & Lily tell us they're ready to come home.
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